Abstract Submission Form

Abstracts Instructions

All abstracts must be submitted electronically through the Congress website using the form below by December 15, 2024.

Abstracts sent by e-mail will not be considered.

Abstracts must be in English.

Please check for typos and spelling errors.

Abstracts will not be proofread by the scientific committee.

The abstract title should be written in small capitals letters and should not exceed 180 characters.

Please make sure that the title of your abstract is correct. Please also ensure that author’s and co-authors’ names are correct.

The maximum number of authors who may be listed in an abstract is set at 10.

The maximum number of abstracts that can be submitted by an author is 5.

Note that the maximum number of words allowed in the body of the abstract is 350. Abstract authors/co-authors’ names, affiliations, and keywords do not count.

Abstracts must follow a structured format of introduction, methods, results, and conclusion sections. Tables, graphs, and pictures may be included.

The presenting author must register for the congress.

If the presenting author cannot present the abstract, a co-author may do so, provided that he is registered for the congress.

After submitting your abstract, you will receive a confirmation email within the next few days. If the email does not appear, please check your spam folder.

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by expert selected reviewers coordinated by the abstract committee.

Authors of accepted or rejected abstracts will be notified by email.

Three highest ranked abstracts will be awarded.

Awards presentation will be heldduring the closing ceremony.